Hope for a Better Future commended for renewable energy advocacy on World Wetlands Day 2025

Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) has received national media recognition for its outstanding efforts in promoting renewable energy and environmental conservation in Cameroon. The organisation was awarded the National Media Award of Excellence during celebrations marking World Wetlands Day on Sunday, 2 February 2025 in Bamenda.

H4BF representative receiving recognition certificate 

The award highlights H4BF’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions that not only reduce deforestation but also protect wetlands, empower communities, and create economic opportunities. 

“We are proud to announce that Hope for a Better Future has been recognised as champions in the promotion and enhancement of renewable energy in Cameroon. This prestigious honour highlights our unwavering commitment to sustainable energy solutions that protect the environment, empower communities, and create economic opportunities while also contributing to wetland conservation and the fight against deforestation.” the organisation shared in a statement in their Facebook page 

H4BF’s work in wetland protection is evident through its Clean Energy for All and Cameroon RenewED projects. These initiatives provide eco-friendly cookstoves that reduce firewood consumption, solar-powered cookstoves that eliminate dependence on charcoal, and sustainable charcoal made from agricultural waste as an alternative to tree-cutting near wetland areas. The organisation also promotes alternative biomass fuels and provides training for youth and women to become green business innovators.