Personal Summary Ghangli Derick Bakah

Email: Tel: +237 694718577/675460750 Facebook/X/Instagram: Bakah Derick

Bakah Derick

I am a media personality who has been working in the industry for over 15 years. My career spans across various roles and organizations

I started as a broadcaster with Abakwa FM/TV in Bamenda where I worked for over Nine years before becoming the Bureau Chief for the lone English Language daily in Cameroon at the time; The Guardian Post Newspaper for the North West and West Regions for close to 5 years.

During this period I reported amongst other issues; sports, politics, culture, entertainment, environment, meeting and interviewing key stakeholders in these sectors for other media outlets as a stringer.

I have worked as a Communications Assistant at the Cameroon Football Federation (FECAFOOT) headquarters in Yaoundé and served as the Media Officer for team Cameroon during the 2020 African Nations Championship (CHAN)

I am the Administrator and Lead Strategist here at Hilltopvoices Communications Group Ltd, a public interest media and a rising marketing and communication company with a fast growing online and offline reputation and following. 

What I think sets me apart is my commitment to using my skills and platform for good. I have been working as a Communications Assistant at Hope for the Needy Association (HOFNA) Cameroon, where I am able to make a positive impact on the lives of others through my work particularly by strengthening the leadership, power and voices of susceptible women and girls from disadvantaged communities.

My work has earned several awards with the most recent being Winner of the Cameroon Journalists' Trade Union (CJTU) North West Chapter-ANYE Nde Nsoh Memorial Award for Sports Reporting 2024Winner of the Cameroon Journalists' Trade Union (CJTU) North West Chapter-Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW) Awards for Environmental Protection Reporting 2024 CJTU 2023 Award of Excellence for Standing Firm in Defense of the Canons of Journalism and in Trade Unionism, World Echoes Media Climate Change Journalists of the Year 2022, Bamenda III Council Excellence Award for Outstanding and Selfless Contribution in Promoting Council Development Activities 2022.

I am currently serving as the National Vice President of the Cameroon Journalists’ Trade Union (CJTU) elected in June 2022.

I am married and a father of three (two girls and a boy)


With a vast Knowledge of Cameroon, her cultures and traditions, though not a Comedian, I have a strong sense of humour which brings comfort and generates plenty of laughter in my audience. 

"His ability to identify, recognise and celebrate every effort for the success of the event makes him a best fit." A client said 

My contagious smile and laughter as well as My unique voice is an added value to his authoritative personality.

Friendly, jovial, dynamic, humble with a good command of the Lamnso, Abongne-MuNkwen and English as well as some acceptable knowledge of French, I have an unmatched love for the microphone.

Sufficiently confident, having me as host for your event guarantees a good percentages of success.

Here are some high profile events I recently emceed 


Bakah Derick
                            Co-Host at #NBACA21 the #Resilience edition in Bamenda

Bakah Derick
Hosting the WOMEN's DAY celebration reception at the Cameroon Football Federation FECAFOOT

Bakah Derick
Official announcer at the National Conference on the Localisation of UNSCR1325 and ending gender based violence by HOFNA CAMEROON in Yaounde  


Just finished signing the condolence book ahead of duty as Announcer at the Funeral of Stephen Tataw former Captain of the National football team of Cameroon "The Indomitable Lions" in Yaoundé 



Just arrived the Ahmadou Ahidjo stadium in Yaounde for a role as Announcer during the opening of the 2020/2021 football season...


Bakah Derick 2
Bakah Derick MC at the House dedication and Birthday at one of Cameroon's biggest blockchain entrepreneur Njamnsi Roland in Douala 

Bakah Derick
MC at the 2022 Graduation of HiHMAtech International University Bamenda 

Bakah Derick
Host of the 2022 graduation ceremony of Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology Yaoundé at the Yaoundé Conference Center 

Bakah Derick
Host of the Project/partnership Closure Event by the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) Socio-economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SEEPD) and Christian Blind Mission (CBM) Bamenda

Bakah Derick

Host of the 2022 Watchdog Tribune Group National Press Award for Excellence Foumbot

Bakah Derick
Host of the wedding of the CEO of El Gambo Enterprise Bamenda 

Bakah Derick
Host of the Bamenda III Council Festival of Heritage Arts and Culture (FEHACU 2021 and 2022) Bameda

Bakah Derick

Host of the Nkwen Cultural and Development Association (NCDA) Douala Branch reconciliation football tournament 

Bakah Derick can be contacted on 

Tel: +234 694202526


Facebook: Bakah Derick Views 

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