Computer Literacy: CCHRHA launches holiday training for IDPs and War victims

By Nfor Nkfu

The Coalition Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance (CCHRHA) has launched a holiday computer training program for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and war victims in Tiko ,South West region.
The program according to CCHRHA's Executive President , is tailored to provide the targeted trainees with skills necessary to upgrade professionalism and fight against idleness during holidays.

"Our intention is to train some IDPs and war victims on computer studies and upgrade their professional skills in Secretariat work. This is to prepare them for future use" Nchanji Roland Njeba, CCHRHA, Executive President said 
He furthered that, "besides, it will go along way to fight against idleness and social crimes in the society. This is part of our sustainable development projects for the youths"

Beneficiaries expressed gratitude promising to take the training very seriously for their own good.
"I am particularly happy for this great opportunity.I will make good use of it and become a computer literate which will help me in future",said one of the beneficiaries.

It should be recalled that, the armed conflict in the North West and South west regions has displaced thousands, living most children out of school.
The computer literacy programme will certainly not be a holiday pass time but an opportunity for the acquisition of skills that can open the way for opportunities in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). 

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