Mohmenkwen UAE Celebrates New Year Party in Grand Style: Vanessa Nchangwie and Ngu Cletus Crowned Miss and Mr. Nkwen UAE 2024

Mohmenkwen UAE, recently hosted its grand New Year Party in the United Arab Emirates. The event, held under the leadership of Mr. Ngu Michael, the Traditional Head of Mohmenkwen UAE, and President Takwi Emmanuel, was a resounding success, celebrating the community's growth and honoring outstanding members.

During the festivities, Vanessa Nchangwie and Mr. Ngu Cletus were crowned Miss and Mr Nkwen UAE 2023, respectively, in an occasion that highlighted the cultural richness and unity of the community. The event brought together representatives from the Cameroon Association Executive Bench, traditional dignitaries from other villages, and various cultural associations in the UAE.

President Takwi Emmanuel delivered a heartfelt New Year address, reflecting on the past year's challenges and successes while outlining ambitious goals for 2024. The event also saw the presentation of several awards, including the Guardian of the Nkwen Tradition Award to Mr. Julius Funwie, Outstanding Commitment and Support Award to Mrs. Chi Miranda Ngelo, and Executive Excellence Awards to Mrs. Mabelle Takwi and Mr. Tamunang Cyrile.

The New Year Party served as a reminder of Mohmenkwen UAE's commitment to preserving Nkwen's cultural heritage and fostering unity within the UAE. President Takwi Emmanuel emphasized Mohmenkwen's role as a trailblazer and a pacesetter for other cultural associations in the region.

As Mohmenkwen UAE continues its journey of growth and engagement with the wider community, the New Year Party stands as a historic milestone, showcasing the community's dedication to promoting its values and traditions in a foreign land.

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