Fuel Price Increase: Scramble in Bamenda on eve of new prices

By Bakah Derick 

Car owners have been scrambling for fuel in Bamenda in the last two days following scarcity.  
Photo taken at night fall in Nkwen 

"I actually packed my car on Sunday because I could not get enough fuel after work on Saturday. I managed to get 15 liters and I preferred not to work that day so I could resume work this Tuesday while hoping fuel will come in." Tanwie a taxi tells www.hilltopvoices.com

Road side fuel dealers in Bamenda made fast cash this Tuesday morning as many turned to them for rescue though Tanwie swore that he cannot use road side fuel. 
"I have been using this car for four years now and I can assure you that I have never put this 'fingi' (road side fuel largely imported from neighbouring Nigeria) in my car." he said 

The arrival of fuel later in the afternoon forced many car owners to rush for some even with containers. 

Matters seemed to have been made worst after the 5pm news on the state broadcaster announced new fuel prices expected to take effect from Wednesday 1 February 2023. Not just was the scarcity an issue at this point, but the wish to grab some reasonable quantity of fuel before the prices change. 
Another station in Nkwen 

"I still have a little fuel but I just wanted to buy some before the increase tomorrow." A car owner tells me at mobile Nkwen has he waits for his moment fo refill. 

According to the announcement signed by Cameroon's Minister of Trade, a liter of petrol will cost 730FCFA (an increase of 100FCFA) while a liter of diesel will cost 720FCFA (an increase of 200FCFA) 

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