Special Status: PIC presents balance sheet to "NW Elites"

By Bakah Derick 

The Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) for the North West Region has presented want can be clearly considered as a balance sheet of the institution's over a year and few months of existence. The PIC Tamfu Simon Fai, used an information seminar on Monday 7 November 2022 for the elite of the region to outline the distance covered in the discharge of his duties. 
View of the hall on meeting day 

"So far, and since we started work here late last year, we have received a total of 64 complaints and treated 53 while 11 are under processing. Of these 64 complaints, 42 are within the ambitious of our mandate while 22 are outside our domain of competence." Tamfu Simon said 

Monday's seminar is the fifth organised by the public pacifactor since creation after the previous ones with Senior Divisional Officers, Mayors, House of Divisional Representatives and house of Chiefs of the Refional Assembly. 
During the different sessions, the PIC has recalled that his institution "exist to see that users and beneficiaries of the services of the North West Regional Assembly, the City Council and the Local Councils are treated with respect and fairness." 
Former Prime Minister Philémon Yunji Yang speaking 

Former Prime Minister Philémon Yunji Yang has use the seminar to redirected the thoughts of both  "North West Elites" and the public on the concept of Special Status explaining that it is a new concept and thus putting in the right tools is the responsibility of all. According to the erudite politician and disciple of President Paul Biya, no limitations should be made for now. 

"The PIC is a product of section 62 of the 1996 constitution given the specificities of the English speaking regions, within the context of the Special Status." Tamfu Simon Fai noted
The information seminar featured largely administrators, government functionaries, members of the rulling CPDM party. Other elites from the region belonging to the opposition like the SDF party or civil society could not be seen. The SDF national chairman Ni John Fru Ndi is yet to respond to our message why there was no one from his party at the seminar 

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