Health: Breast cancer steps challenge prevention campaign launched in Bamenda

Afanwi Jolenta

The month of October  is internationally referred to as the breast cancer awareness month. It is an annual health campaign organised by breast cancer charities, aimed at creating awareness of the disease and how it can be prevented.
In Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon, a youth who runs a whatsApp  healthy weight management programme has launched a one thousand steps campaign to educate the population on the importance of regular checks, early diagnosis,treatment and prevention of breast cancer .

Milicent Forsab in her early 30s explains that over the years there has been an increase in the number of young women dying as a result of breast cancer. Thus, schooling the public on the dangers of the disease is her own contribution towards saving lives.

" ignorance has killed many women as a result of this I want people to know that breast cancer can be treated when diagnosed early. I have watched even young girls go to the hospital when their cancers are at an advanced stage like stage three and four. 
So I want to encourage all women despite their ages engage in regular exercises,  keep a healthy weight and regularly visit the hospital to check for any abnormalities on the breast." She said 

Some members of the online WhatsApp healthy weight management group known as "body crave" who have joined the course disclose that loosing a love one to cancer leaves a lasting memory in people's hearts.

"I have watched a friend of mine go through pains with the breast amputated and she still finally died living behind two kind of les than five of age and a young husband. It's so so painful " one of them tells 

Milicent Forsab encourages the population to join the fight against breast cancer by wearing a pink ribbon or attire within this month of October
" Wherever you are each day through out this month of October, take a step every day and sensitize some one on what breast cancer is all about. In doing so, you will save the lives of many women and also those around you" Forsab advices 

World health organisation's report indicates  that breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst women. Early diagnosis and treatment they say can save up to 2.5 million breast cancer related deaths by 2040.


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