Nkumu FED FED raises FCFA14M for IDPs at launch of Bamenda annex Office

By Bakah Derick 

Photo Credit Mbuh Stella 

The Bali based nongovernmental organization Nkumu Fed Fed NFF has successfully raised FCFA14M being part of targeted funds for “its action plan for troubled times to internally displaced persons IDPs from the English speaking regions of Cameroon.”
The amount was raised Saturday October 12, 2019 during the launch of an Annex Office for the association in Bamenda.

Speaking during the annex office launch, the President General of NFF Eunice Tita Tata explained that the action plan for the troubled times in the country “plans to roll out multiple IDP social rescue and sustainable programmes” from the new office.

Handing over of donations

“This is going to be a full scale engagement to rescue IDPs who lost properties, homes, workplaces or jobs. The social ferment is expected to be stirred with optimal hope, social awareness and interaction to enable IDPs to contribute to rebuilding local businesses and social life through the insertion and skills training guided by Nkumu Fed Fed. Eunice Tita Tata said

The coordination strategy she added will included amongst others “creating an effective mechanism for data collection, collaboration and implementation of livelihood programmes, implementing various programmes that support small business initiative, including projects in agriculture, vocational education and training, stimulating social engagements and responsibility among IDPs and operating mobile school in homes schools in homes for children between the ages of five and 10.” 

Eunice Tita Tata NFF President General

The president went on to reveal a “flagship vocational programme” which intends on long term and short term bases will “provide victims of the current socio political crisis with sustainable income opportunities” beginning this October till October 2020.

The huge and challenging project she admitted “is the brave and right thing to do in these abnormal times.” Ahead of the fund raiser, she noted. The many that showed up including humanitarians, politicians, and educationists amongst others raised the sum of FCFA14M out of a targeted FCFA25M.

Started in 1996 as a network of sister associations, NFF now has 12 branches in Cameroon and beyond with the founding mission of “improving the status and living conditions of vulnerable communities of women and youths and the girl in rural areas of the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. The association now counts over 250 members from 90 at takeoff. NFF is noted to be the pioneer female association to raise awareness on child trafficking and abuse in the North West Region of Cameroon.

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