Building Bamenda For Everyone I: Construction of Inaccessible Buildings Continue Unabated in NW, Despite Calls for Inclusion, Legislation

The continues neglect of accessibility considerations in infrastructure construction especially buildings is leaving persons with disabilities (PWDs) marginalized and excluded from public spaces in Bamenda,  North West Region of Cameroon. Despite advocacy efforts and legal mandates, the region grapples with inaccessible infrastructure, hindering the full participation of all citizens in societal life.

"We encounter significant challenges every day when trying to access public buildings. It's disheartening to see new constructions emerge without considering our needs," Loveline, a wheelchair user we met struggling to access a public building at Upstation Bamenda. "Accessibility is not a privilege; it's a basic human right that should be guaranteed to everyone." She adds angrily 
A partial view of Bamenda town

For over a decade, the Socio Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SEEPD) Program, spearheaded by the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS), has championed inclusive development. Through extensive sensitization campaigns, the SEEPD program has schooled a cross section of development stakeholders on the importance of constructing accessible public structures to foster equal opportunities for all including those with functional limitations. The program has signed partnerships with councils and organized even public award events to encourage inclusive development endeavours.

Yet, reflecting on the state of infrastructure accessibility, Samuel Nyincho, visually impaired and a staunch advocate for disability rights, shares his dismay. "Efforts have been made, but they fall short," he remarks. "Ramps are installed, but accessing public buildings remains a challenge, especially when offices are located on higher floors without elevators. New constructions, like some Council offices Bamenda town, are erected without any consideration for accessibility, exacerbating our struggles."
Inner view of Bamenda most inclusive building, The Nkwen Baptist Hospital 

On construction sites where the blueprint of inclusivity should be drafted, the sentiment of neglect persists. Kanjo, an engineer, overseeing a new building in Nkwen, expresses frustration at the lack of consideration for accessibility. 

"We adhere to all regulatory procedures, obtaining approvals from competent council officials," he explains. "However, the issue of accessibility is often overlooked, leaving us with no choice but to proceed with construction as planned."

Lohshie Eugene Velon, Coordinator of the Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) project under SEEPD, echoes Nyincho's sentiments. 

"Despite significant investments, accessibility remains elusive," Velon observes. "While awareness is increasing, structures are often retrofitted with inadequate ramps, posing safety risks. Essential features like door sizes, locks, and toilets are overlooked, perpetuating exclusion."
Even with the legal framework outlined in former Prime Minister Philemon Yang's 2018 decree, which mandates accessibility in public and private buildings, implementation lags behind. The disconnect between legislation and practice perpetuates a cycle of marginalization, denying PWDs their fundamental rights.

Article 18 of the decree emphasizes the obligation of the state, decentralized communities, and public and private entities to facilitate access for persons with disabilities. It stipulates that existing buildings must be redesigned during renovation to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. However, in Bamenda, these provisions are routinely overlooked, perpetuating a cycle of exclusion and marginalization. 
Sections of the law

Beyond token gestures, true accessibility requires holistic design considerations, ensuring that every individual, regardless of ability, can navigate public spaces with dignity and independence.

In the face of daunting challenges, hope flickers through the tireless advocacy of individuals like Nyincho and the concerted efforts of organizations like SEEPD. Their voices go across, calling for a future where accessibility is not an afterthought but a cornerstone of development, ushering in an era of true equality for all those living in Bamenda and beyond.

Until then, the construction of inaccessible buildings in Bamenda will continue to stand as a stark reminder of the barriers that impede progress towards a truly inclusive future.

Building Bamenda For Everyone II coming soon...

By Bakah Derick 
Tel: 6 94 71 85 77 

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