Atangche Zita: A Symbol of Hope and Service

Atangche Zita, a journalist turned philanthropist, Christian minister, and humanitarian, is a shining example of dedication to service and humanity. Trained as a journalist, Zita has used her skills and passion to make a positive impact in our municipality and beyond.

Atangche Zita Ngeche

Through her foundation, the New Breed Africa Foundation, Zita has been at the forefront of promoting music that addresses issues of behavior change in her community. She has also been instrumental in providing support to orphans and less privileged children by equipping them with hands-on skills such as bead making and embroidery, empowering them for a brighter future.

For nearly a decade, Zita's foundation has been organizing the New Breed Africa Celebrity Award (NBACA), which showcases and promotes talented artists from the municipality, the North West Region and beyond. The 2024 edition of the awards, which took place on March 10, focused on promoting decency within the music industry, highlighting Zita's commitment to using music as a tool for positive change.

Under the artistic name Zita Light, she launched the God's Intervention Project in Bamenda III, a project that has produced 34 musical pieces over the last four years. Describing the project as a divine assignment, Zita's dedication to spreading messages of hope and faith through music is truly inspiring.

In addition to her philanthropic efforts and musical projects, Zita Light has also been actively involved in supporting underprivileged school children by donating school materials and organizing grooming sessions with barbers to ensure they start the new school year feeling confident and prepared.

Her presence in gospel musical concerts in the municipality and beyond has further solidified her reputation as a talented and compassionate individual. Zita Light's involvement in events such as the Bamenda III Festival of Heritage Arts and Culture (FEHACU), where she has contributed to the production of theme songs, showcases her commitment to promoting culture and unity through music.

Known for her professionalism, character, and dedication to lifelong learning, Atangche Zita, or Zita Light, continues to inspire others through her work as a journalist, philanthropist, Christian minister, and humanitarian. Her commitment to making a difference in the lives of others serves as a beacon of hope and positivity in her community and beyond.

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