Environment: Flooding of City Streams return to Bamenda as Rainy Season Begins

The Mile 4 stream locally known as Nkie-Mufeh on the evening of Tuesday 28 March 2023 overflow it's banks following heavy rains recorded in the city. Before night fall, the news circulated like wildfire forcing many living on both sides of the bridge found on the opposite direction at that moment to hurriedly return home considering the challenges they could face should the over flooding meet them while still on the other side. The result of the rush was huge traffic around the bridge. 
Flooding at Ntansen 

"I have been standing here for awhile now because of slow traffic. I live in Bambui and when I heard that the bridge was getting full I had to go home earlier." A private car driver tells www.hilltopvoices.com while on traffic. 

Less than a week ago, the stream just before city Chemist roundabout overflow practically stopping traffic. It was a similar incident at Below Foncha on the road leading to Ntasen. Experts have blamed the recurrence to poor waste management, lack of proper drainage and poor town planning.
Floods at City Chemist 

Speaking recently, Environmentalist Dieudonne Tantoh Nforba, well known as Farmer Tantoh warned against the construction of houses without consideration for water ways in the city. He advised that while constructing uphill, consideration should be given to those living down hill as floods can eventually make life uncomfortable for them. 

With the rains just beginning, there are growing concerns that things may go worst later in the season. 
"This is the first time this stream (referring to Nkie-Mufeh) is flooding in March. We have always had this in months like September and August. How come this is happening now and too bad our council and city authorities are just there watching." Vincent said seemingly angry. 

Kari Jackson Environmentalist and Executive Director of Sustainable Run for Development (SURUDEV) warns that the dangers may be huge if something is not done. 

The Mile IV bridge 

Around the bridge area, the water way has been opened but observers say the problem is largely coming from either upstream or downstream where management of the water channel is poor. 

The Mayor of the Bamenda III Council says some work has been done to improve the water channel at the mile 4 stream to ease passage. He has however appealed to government to improve on the situation of the bridge. 

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