Assassination of Martinez ZOGO: CAMASEJ calls for investigation, exhumes Wazizi's case

The Cameroon Association of English-Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ) has called for investigations into the assassination of Yaounde based broadcaster Martinez ZOGO.

 In a release made public on Monday 23 January 2023, the President Jude Viban regretted that despite the promised made to investigate the circumstances leading to the death of Buea based broadcaster, Samuel Wazizi, nothing has been heard and now Martinez ZOGO. 
Here is the full statement by the English speaking journalists association 

CAMASEJ Calls for Urgent and Rigorous Investigation into Martinez Zogo's Murder

Yaounde, Cameroon-The Cameroon Association of English-Speaking Journalists
(CAMASE) is shocked and termified by the abduction and subsequent assassination of
Mbani Zogo Arsène Salomon, also known as Martinez Zogo, Station Manager of
privately-owned Amplitude FM and host of the daily radio show « Embouteillages ».

Ever since Zogo was abducted on January 17, 2023, by unidentified men near his
home in the capital Yaounde, his whereabouts remained unknown until January 22, 2023, when his mutilated body in an advanced state of decomposition was found near the town of Soa.
CAMASEJ calls on authorities to urgently carry out a thorough. independent and
transparent investigation into the abduction & assassination of Martinez Zogo-a
credible investigation whose findings must be made public. Those who masterminded
as well as those who ultimately executed such a gruesome murder must be held
accountable and punished for their crimes.

Impunity for crimes against journalists and other media workers in Cameroon is
unacceptable and provocative. It must stop. It is still fresh in our minds that the killers of Samuel Wazizi are yet to be brought to justice despite the Head of State promising
to investigate his kiling

We urge the government to make public the findings of both investigations.

During this trying moment, we do extend our heartfelt condolence to Zogo's family,
friends and close colleagues 

Jude Viban 
CAMASEJ President 

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