Agriculture: NWCA shares best practices with SOWEFCU in two days exchange visit

By Bakah Derick 

The North West Cooperative Association (NWCA) has shared details about the institution including best practices with the South West Farmers' Cooperative Union (SOWEFCU). The sharing was done during a two day visit by a SOWEFCU delegation on the 12 and 13 of October 2022. 
Waindim Timothy Ntam NWCA General Manager addressing his guests 

For two days, the top management of NWCA led by the General Manager Waindim Timothy Ntam x-rayed the institution's best practices from structure and functioning, coffee and collection strategies, coffee handling and transformation, the accounting and bookkeeping system, marketing, internal control, farm management and supplies to their visitors. 

Ngangwa Mathew Head of Service for administration and Personel, Njeshu Godlove Head of service for production and maintenance, Amana Titus Head of Service for Accounting and Finance and Fonguh Peter Head of Service for Internal Audit were on hand to take thier guests through their various departments structure. 

NWCA and SOWEFCU in group picture

Fascinated by the quality and indepth nature of the presentations, Richard Molua of the Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDA) who was part of the delegation from the South West described NWCA's operational system as perfect. 
"The topics were very important for our cooperatives that are coming from the South West. As I said in my presentation, our cooperatives are encountering alot of problems in terms of management, in terms of structure in its self and you see the way NWCA is well structured, most of our cooperatives do not have that same structure. You see the accounting system, you see the marketing strategy, you see even the collection and marketing of produce, quality control, everything is so perfect here." He said 

Day two of the visit permitted the SOWEFCU delegation to visit NWCA installations which are now used for the collection and processing of coffee for exportation or transformation to what has become a cherished product: Kola Coffee. 
During deliberations

"My team and I have worked relentlessly in the last couple of years to bring back NWCA that was completely down. We could have gone way far if not for the current crisis but we are happy that our efforts are being noticed to a point where a huge delegation can leave the South West to visit and learn from us. I am happy with this visit and I hope that our exchange will help the South West Farmers Cooperative Association (SOWEFCU) to build their own structure." Waindim Timothy Ntam NWCA General Manager told 

Created in 1950, NWCA has 12 affiliated Cooperative Credit Unions and over 40 societies made up of well over 35.000 farmers from across the North West Region of Cameroon actively involved in the cultivation of coffee. 
Currently marketing over 70 percent of the coffee produced in the North West unprocessed, the management with current investments made in equipment hopes to reverse the figures in the nearest future. With Kola Coffee in the market made up of 100 percent Arabica coffee, the General Manager of NWCA has announced the addition of a new version made up of 70 percent Arabica and 30 percent Robusta.

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