Shalom Clinic strikes MoU with RADA.

By Nfor Nkfu

Shalom Clinic, a Bamenda based health care provider, which is also a teaching hospital to the School of Health and Biomedical sciences of HIHMATech International University and; Reconciliation and Development Association (RADA) a non governmental organization that works in areas of public health, community development, agriculture and others have agreed to work together in areas of common interest.
This was sanctioned by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed Saturday July 30,2022.

Signing for Shalom Clinic was it's Founder/Chief Executive officer Dr Shei Claude Nfor while Mr Mbiydzenyuy Ferdinand Sonyuy President/CEO signed for RADA.

The general terms of the agreement amongst others will permit both entities to Plan and organise health prevention and promotion initiatives; organize conferences, seminars, and other scientific events;
implementation of joint research and scientific project; exchange of academic and research information and materials; and
establishing further forms of cooperation in both fields of mutual interest.
"...when you have an agreement like this ,it really opens up to alot.This is a huge opportunity for both institutions" said Mr Mbiydzenyuy Ferdinand Sonyuy

Dr Shei Claude on his part said,"I am really happy to be here with my team.We have been looking upto this partnership"

He added that,"Nothing good comes easy.Whatever delayed the signing gave us time to reflect on how we can work in future"
Mr Mbiydzenyuy Ferdinand Sonyuy was accompanied at the signing ceremony by Damaris Chimombom,Communications officer of RADA.

Dr Shei Claude on the other hand was accompanied  accompanied by Mr Bongmba Fidelis Kigha,Board Chairman of Shalom Clinic and Mr Wawa Jackson,the service Manager.

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