Opinion: Why we should celebrate the #InternationalDayOfTheWoman by Atangche Zita Ngeche CEO New Breed Africa Foundation

Why we should celebrate the #InternationalDayOfTheWoman by Atangche Zita Ngeche CEO New Breed Africa Foundation 
I believe the International Women's Day should be celebrated because the role of the woman in the betterment of our homes, communities, nations and world cannot be ignored although ignoring it has been the narrative centuries upon centuries ago.

A better world today and a sustainable tomorrow will never be achieved by the input of the male man alone. If it could, it would have been long achieved in the years long men's dominated world. So doing away with gender inequalities and fostering gender equality should be the priority of not just women organisations, movements or individuals bit every sane society should institute laws, establish systems etc that favour it.
The celebration of this day raises awareness and reinforces the consciousness of the true worth of the woman and her irrefutable role in the betterment of our homes, communities, nations and world.

No matter how much humanistic and world's systems try to deny and suppress the truth of the equal importance of the woman to the betterment of our world, the truth cannot be altered. The earlier the world accepts and benefits from the unique value proposition of the woman and how much positive impact giving her due space and freedom of expression and contribution will bring, the better, else the world will continue to suffer untold chaos due to the absence of the woman's portion or her part of the beautiful puzzle of life
Gen 2:18 And the Lord God said it is not good, not sufficient, not satisfactory that the man( male) should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, complementary for him)*
If God says something is not good to be alone it means it is not good at all. No matter how we try ignore that truth, it remains the truth and nothing can be done against the truth but for the truth. Until we accept this truth our world will not be set free from inequality and the untold sufferings we experience due to the absence of the unique value of the woman will continue to aggravate.
This and more is why I believe we should celebrate the International Day of the Woman.

We need to keep raising awareness and driving into human consciousness the true worth and value of the woman or the Female Man according to Gen 1:26-27 "Genesis 1:26 God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority....
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; "male and female" He created them. [Col. 3:9, 10; James 3:8, 9.]

Helping the woman grow into who she truly is and allowing her express will permit her be that  asset she was created to be to the world, to God and to all mankind. Every human being (Male or Female) must arise to their unique responsibilities, express the wealth of value, potential, power etc wired in them from creation for the world to be a better place. Trying to Hush the woman is denying the world the value she carries and that void will never be filled by another male man. Its for all  our good to accept this truth and respect that, its not for the good of the women only. 
*Today I celebrate the following women who have understood and are playing their role effectively for the betterment of our world*
-CEO's of great visions that empower the woman and help her play her unique role in the betterment of our homes, communities, nations and world.
-Media Women amplifying the voices of Women and Girls in their respective fields of impact
-Advocates of Women's Rights
-Every woman working to ensure the protection and wellbeing of violated women
-Every woman ensuring that the rise of a woman to her true worth is for complemtary service and wellbeing of all mankind and not for antagonism.
- *I also celebrate all men who respect the true worth of the woman and allows her express her unique Value without bias for the betterment of out world. 

*Happy International Women's Day

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