Bamenda Archdiocese Celebrates Ordination of Ten Priests

In an ordination event held at the Saint Joseph Metropolitan Cathedral in Big Mankon, the Archdiocese of Bamenda has welcomed ten new priests into the fold this Wednesday, April 3, 2024. 
The ordination ceremony was presided over by the Archbishop of Bamenda, His Grace Andrew Nkea Fuanya, who delivered a mind-blowing homily to the newly ordained priests.

During his homily, Archbishop Fuanya reminded the new priests of their important role in guiding the faithful on their journey towards salvation. He emphasized that being ordained to the priesthood is not a guarantee of salvation, but rather a call to work diligently for one's own spiritual growth and the well-being of the Christian community.

He explained that being a priest is not about standing on the sidelines and pointing the way for others but It is about walking alongside the faithful, supporting them, guiding them, and helping them to grow closer to God.

The newly ordained priests were visibly filled with gratitude and excitement as they emerged with their new vestments to a cheering crowd at the Cathedral Piazza at the close of the Ordination ritual. 
From their faces, one could see an expression of their commitment to serving the people of God with love, compassion, and dedication.

The ordination ceremony was attended by a large congregation of faithful from across the Archdiocese, who joined the Archbishop in offering prayers and blessings for the new priests as they begin their journey in service to the Church.

The Archdiocese of Bamenda is now blessed with ten new shepherds to guide and inspire the faithful on their spiritual journey. The community looks forward to the leadership and guidance that these new priests will provide in the years to come.

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