Mformi Ndzerem Stephen Njodzeka: A Hope Giver

Mformi Ndzerem Stephen Njodzeka, the Director General of Strategic Humanitarian Services (SHUMAS) Cameroon, has emerged as one of the 25 most influential personalities in Bamenda III for the year 2023. His dedication to serving the community and uplifting the lives of its residents has earned him this well-deserved recognition.

Mformi Ndzerem Stephen

At the helm of SHUMAS, with its headquarters in Ntehfikih, Mile 6 Nkwen, Mformi Ndzerem Njodzeka has coordinated numerous initiatives that have had a transformative impact on the municipality. One of the organization's flagship projects has been the construction and equipping of schools with benches, ensuring that students have a conducive learning environment. This investment in education has not only improved access to quality education but has also helped to address the pressing issue of overcrowded classrooms.

In response to the ongoing armed conflict in the North West region, SHUMAS, under Mformi Ndzerem's leadership, has taken proactive steps to support displaced students by rehabilitating and constructing science laboratories in high schools. This initiative has not only expanded educational opportunities but has also provided a sense of stability and hope to those affected by the crisis.

Mformi Ndzerem's commitment to empowering marginalized groups is evident in SHUMAS' initiatives to train individuals with disabilities in various skills such as shoe making, dressmaking, and embroidery. By providing them with training, startup capital, and materials, many of these individuals have been able to transition from begging on the streets to earning a sustainable income, thus enhancing their quality of life.

SHUMAS has extended support to vulnerable women, particularly single mothers and internally displaced persons, through microcredit programs. By offering financial assistance and training opportunities, Mformi Ndzerem Stephen has empowered these women to become self-reliant and economically independent.

 In addition to these initiatives, SHUMAS has been actively involved in promoting renewable energy solutions, providing volunteering and internship opportunities to university students, distributing food aid to vulnerable populations, offering scholarships to crisis-affected children, and distributing essential items such as treated mosquito nets and shelter to displaced families.

Beyond his humanitarian work, Mformi Ndzerem is a staunch advocate for preserving the Nso culture and traditions. As a loyalist of the Fon of Nso and a dedicated family man, he embodies the values of community service, respect for heritage, and compassion for others.

IMformi Ndzerem’s contributions to the Bamenda III Municipality are a clear indication to his  commitment to social impact and positive change. Through his visionary leadership at SHUMAS, he continues to inspire hope, empower communities, and make a lasting difference in the lives of many.

Congratulations Nformi

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