PBHev Laptops: Uba Students Register Ahead of Distribution.

By Awa Shiness Fongwi 

Ahead of the distribution of the Paul Biya Higher Education Vision laptops for the current academic year, in the University of Bamenda, students from various schools and faculties who have been shortlisted for biometric registration assembled each day at the central administration of the university with the hope completing the required process. 

Students queueing for the registration 

Some students in the faculty of Arts who have successfully completed the process required for collection say they are looking up with much anxiety for the laptop as it will help them in their research work, project writing and typing of assignments.

In an interview with Ndoh Timothy a student of the department of Philosophy, he is very happy to be part of the registration as the laptop will help him in writing his project, doing research and typing of assignments.

 Just like Ndoh Timothy, Ngalle Costantin of the department of English says she is very excited as the laptop will help her in research and carry some of her important documents.
According to Angwi Lenora of the department of Geography and planning, the laptop will reduce her cost of typing as it will help her type on her own.

Biometric registration is a compulsory exercise that must be completed by any potential beneficiary student shortlisted to receive the presidential laptops in any university. 

With the process completed, the students are now waiting for an official calendar of distribution to be published by the university’s top management. 

The laptops are part of a Presidential promised made in 2016 by President Biya to facilitate learning for students in universities across the country and promote the use of ICT tools. 

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