NW Cooperative Association: GM exposes board members to ICA-CCW activities

By Bakah Derick 

Board members of the North West Cooperative Association (NWCA) have been sensitised on the activities of the International Coffee Agreement (ICA) and the Consumer Co-operatives Worldwide (CCW). The General Manager who doubles as executive member of the CCW Waindim Timothy Ntam made the exposure to the board members on August 23, 2022 during an extraordinary board of directors meeting of the cooperative association in Bamenda. 
The Sensitisation session  at the NWCA boardroom. 

While thanking the board members for their constant support, the General Manager noted that his journey as executive member of the CCW has not been easy though a fulfilling. Explaining the election procedure, Waindim expressed his surprise and satisfaction with the support received from members of the Worldwide union. 

"The board members are the people who support me on a day to day basis and I thought it was important to brief them on my activities and the successes we have recorded in the last months. I thought it was important to sensitise them so they understand the importance of the global institution." Waindim Timothy Ntam told www.hilltopvoices.com. 

He also used the meeting to share lessons from the 9th technical committee of the African ministerial  cooperative conference (TCAMCCO) that held in Mombasa Kenya in  may 2022 under the theme "accelerating cooperation amongst cooperatives in the post COVID-19 era." 

"We have learned alot about ICA and CCW. Though we had to discuss about our association, the decision of the General Manager to sensitise us on the activities of our global body was important. After listening to him, we can only reafirm our support for him while congratulating him on his brilliant election." Ngongeh Stephen Tita President of Ndop Area Cooperative Union told www.hilltopvoices.com. 
Group Picture after the Sensitisation session 

The North West Cooperative Association created in 1950 is principally into the collection, processing and marketing of Arabica coffeee with a membership of over 35000 smallholder peasant farmers.


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