Inclusive Development: Bamenda III Council ends holiday tournament with Amputee Football

By Bakah Derick 

It was an uncommon experience for spectators who turned out at the Nibung public school field in Nkwen administrative headquarters of Bamenda III Subdivision in Mezam Division on Sunday 28 August 2022 to witness the final of the council's holiday football competition.
Amputee football match ahead of final 

Prior to the start of the final match, Mayor Fongu Cletus Tanwe programmed an amputee football match without the knowledge of many who had only regular football in mind.

"I am really happy to see these people with just one leg playing football. I didn't expect to see them. I have been hearing about them playing football but I didn't know I will have the opportunity to see them play." Funwie Julius tells 

"We had to do this to let the population of the municipality know that people with disabilities are able in many ways. From the way society looks at them, I am sure that if they knew they will come start with emputee football, they will certainly not come in time reason why I decided not to have it in the official program. As you could see, the people loved and enjoyed it even more than the normal football." Mayor Fongu Cletus tells 

Mayor Fongu Cletus Tanwe speaking at the final event 

Abakwa Amputee football club of Bamenda got the best results against a selection by the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS.); an institution outstanding in the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities. 

Chick Sama, Coordinator of the Coordinating Union of the Association of persons with disabilities CUAPWD who was present in  Nibung has applauded the Bamenda III Council for including persons with disabilities in the sporting activities. While handing over jerseys and cash prizes from CUAPWD and the Council to the teams, Sama expressed the wish for more inclusion in the Council area particularly at different levels of the community. 

Visibly present at the event were also person with visual disability who attended the final on the invitation of the council. 
HRH Fon Azehfor III speaking  

While encouraging the engagement of women in male dominated disciplines like football referring following the presence of two women in the officiating of the final, His Royal Highness Fon Azehfor III of Nkwen has used the event to invite his subjects to be more peace loving, united and law abiding so as to move the village forward and attract development. 

Mayor Fongu Cletus has congratulated Legacy SC of Futru-Membuh for emerging winners of this year's competition after beating Muforzah FC of Menda 1-0. He has announce a more inclusive sporting competition involving persons with disabilities and women next year as he raised the cash prizes from 1.5M to 2.5M FCFA. 
Handing of trophy to captain of Legacy SC 

12 teams took part in the month long football tournament christened "Bamenda III Council Inclusive Royal Tournament 2022."

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