Cabinet Reshuffle Cameroon: Biya Kicks out allies, Creates new Ministries, Gives Territorial Administration to Anglophone

The President of the republic Paul Biya has reshuffled his Cabinet. The news fell like a bomb shell Friday March 2, exceptionally during the 8pm news on the state radio unlike the 5pm news tradition. 
The presidential degree creates some new ministries amongst them The Ministry of  Territorial Administration and the Ministry of  Decentralization and Local Development with Paul Atanga Nji appointed pioneer Minister of Territorial Administration. These Ministries were hitherto merged as a single Ministry with one Minsiter at the helm managing both interior, local governance and local development matters. Transferred to Missions at the Presidency of the Republic, Rene Sadii had headed the Ministry for over seven years.

Some Close allies of the President like the former Minsiter of Transport Edgar Alian Mebe Ngo, former Director of Civil Cabinet Belinga Ebotu, former Minister of Water and Energy Basil Atanga Kuna and others. 

Masena Ngalle Bibehe who served as Secondary Education Minister now moves to Transport to replace a strong Biya ally Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo who goes out of government. Nalova Lyonga immediate past Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea steps in to head the education Minsitry. She will work together with her former boss Jacque Fame Ndongo who is maintained as Minister of Higher Education.

Other Minsiters have simply been moved from one to another like former Finance Minister now Minster of Planning Economy and Regional Development and Vice Vicer for Louis Paul Motaze.

Others  like Issa Tchiroma of Communication, Laurent Esso of Justice, Bidoung Ismail of Sports, Therese Abena of Women Empowerment etc have been maintained.

Paul Biya President of Cameroon

Here is the list of new appointments
(For urgency it is in French)
Ministre de l’Administration territoriale
M Atanga Nji Paul
Ministre de la décentralisation et du développement local
M Elanga Obam Georges
Ministre de l’Eau et de l’Energie
M Eloundou Essomba Gaston
Ministre de l’Economie, de la Planification et de l’Aménagement du territoire
M. Alamine Ousmane Mey
Ministre des Enseignements secondaires
Mme Nalova Lyonga Pauline
Ministre des Finances
M. Motaze Louis Paul

Ministre de la Fonction publique et de la Reforme administrative
M. Joseph Le
Ministre des Forêts et de la Faune
M. Ndongo Jules Doret
Ministre des Transports
M. Ngalle Bibehe Ernest
Ministre délégué auprès du ministre de l’Economie,de la Planification et de l’Aménagement du territoire chargé de la planification
M. Tasong Tchoutang Paul
Ministre délégué auprès du ministre des Finances
M. Yaouba Abdoulaye
Ministre délégué auprès du ministre des relations extérieures chargé de la coopération avec le Commonwealth
M. Mbayu Felix
Ministres chargés de mission à la présidence de la République
M. René Sadi
M Dion Ngute Joseph
Ministre secrétaire général adjoint Ã  la présidence de la République
M. Elung Paul Che
Directeur du cabinet civil de la présidence de la République
M. Mvondo Ayolo Samuel

Directeur adjoint du cabinet civil
M. Osvalde Baboke

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