Starboy Kwoyela Derick Takes Center Stage at Tree Planting Event at the University of Bamenda

In a display of environmental stewardship and leadership, Starboy Kwoyela Derick, affectionately known as DK, captured the spotlight during a recent tree planting event at the University of Bamenda. The event which was part of a larger Capacity Building Seminar themed "Empowering Cameroonian Youths for Sustainable Global Leadership." 
Kwoyela Derick (DK in blue) and Fornjum Promise leading tree planting 

Facilitators and participants alike hailed the seminar as a pivotal moment in the region's quest for sustainable development. Spearheaded by five partnering organizations, including the University of Bamenda Alumni Association and Green Globe, the seminar aimed to equip Cameroonian youths with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

International and national leaders, including Dr. Richard Munang from Nairobi, Kenya, and Kiyah Derick from Kiruna, Sweden, Fornjum  Promise from Cameroon shared their insights during panel discussions, inspiring over 300 attendees gathered at the University's amphitheater. From discussions on leadership to practical volunteerism experiences, the seminar provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and reflection.
Fornjum Promise speaking at the Seminar 

Regional, subdivisional and municipal authorities present participated in the tree planting exercise, symbolizing a united front against climate change and global warming.

As DK planted trees alongside community stakeholders and university officials, his presence served as a reminder that stardom knows no bounds. The exemplary efforts of the man who literally stole the show at the just ended Cameroon International Film Festival CAMIFF, embodied the spirit of a global celebrity, leaving an indelible mark on the University of Bamenda community.
Tubah Mayor, Planting tree

In the wake of the event, DK's lead role continues to reverberate, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and urgency in the fight for environmental conservation. 

Kwoyela Derick aka DK is popular on social media platforms for his romantic nature with his wife Kahhoh Patience. 

Liasin Jones in Bambili
Tel: 6 94 71 85 77 

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